
Media Kit

The Youth Media Alliance (YMA) provides vital tools for industries aiming to connect with broadcasters, producers, and youth content professionals. By advertising in YMA’s publications, you can effectively reach thousands of professionals and executives within the youth media sector.

Advertisers can design and execute their own campaigns by leveraging the YMA’s diverse platforms, including our eNewsletter, social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X), event programs (Gala, Conference), event website pages (Gala, Conference, Kidscreen Summit Canadian Delegation, Networking), and the YMA web platform at

Download the Media Kit


The YMA does not assume responsibility for reproduction quality if materials provided do not meet specified requirements. We reserve the right to charge advertisers or agencies for any additional work required to convert materials to meet our specifications. Materials must be provided in both French and English; otherwise, they will only be published in the language provided. The YMA encourages diversity in publication content and reserves the right to position materials in a way that best suits the publication’s design and efficiency.

Available Media and Reach

a. Industry Reach

There are an estimated 33,500 individuals involved in children’s media content across Canada. The YMA’s annual membership comprises:


  • Broadcasters: 5%
  • Producers: 23%
  • Professional Individuals: 72%

Language Distribution:

  • English: 64%
  • French: 36%

Geographic Distribution:

  • Ontario: 53%
  • Quebec: 35%
  • British Columbia & Prairies: 5%
  • Canadian in the USA: 9%

b. Media Reach

  • eNewsletter: 1,831 subscribers (755 English, 1,080 French), with a 62% open rate
  • Social Media Platforms: LinkedIn (760), Facebook (1,300 French, 980 English), Instagram (493), X (420)
  • Website: 1,300 visits/year (stats currently unavailable)
  • Event Programs (Gala, Conference): 200-250 attendees per event
  • Event Websites (Gala, Conference, Kidscreen Summit, Networking): 600 visitors per event

Advertising Costs and Specifications

a. Program Ads

The YMA publishes two programs per year, one for the Youth Media Conference and another for the Awards of Excellence Gala, alternating between English and French content to align with event language. Below are the costs and specifications for ad placements. Please note that sizes may vary.

Ad Size


(15% off per ad)

Trim Size

Bleed Size

Double Page Spread



18 x 10.875

18.25 x 11.125

Outside Cover



9 x 10.875

9.25 x 11.125

Inside Front/Back Cover



9 x 10.875

9.25 x 11.125

Full Page



9 x 10.875

9.25 x 11.125

½ Page



9 x 5.3125

9.25 x 5.5625

1/3 Page



9 x 3.625

9.25 x 3.875

¼ Page



9 x 2.725

9.25 x 2.975

  • Format: JPEG, 300 dpi, CMYK


b. eNewsletter Ads

The YMA publishes a weekly eNewsletter in both French and English. Advertisements are available in the following formats:

Ad Size


(15% off each ad)





600 x 90 pxl




300 x 250 pxl




200-250 words, 1 image, 1 logo

  • The YMA reserves the right to choose ad placement within the eNewsletter.

c. Website Ads (YMA Pages)

Advertise on the YMA website with options for weekly, monthly, or annual placements:

Ad Size

Per Week

Per Month

Per Year


Front Page - Banner




600 x 90 pxl

Front Page - Rectangle




300 x 250 pxl

Partners/Benefits Page - Banner




600 x 90 pxl

Partners/Benefits Page - Rectangle




300 x 250 pxl

  • The YMA reserves the right to choose ad placement within the website.
  • Visit

d. Event Website Ads

Ad placements are available on event-specific web pages (Awards of Excellence, Youth Media Conference, Kidscreen Summit Canadian Delegation, Networking Events). Visit

Ad Size

Per Week

Per Month

Per Year






600 x 90 pxl





300 x 250 pxl

e. Social Media Ads

Send a dedicated blast across YMA’s social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X). Each blast includes one image, one text, and one URL.

Ad Size


2x per Month

4x Quarterly






625 x 900 pxl

f. Packages

These packages are streamlined to include a single ad size per media, ensuring simplicity and focused impact within each budget range

  Silver Package -


1. Website Ad (YMA Pages)

  • Front Page - Banner
    • Duration: 6 Months
    • Value: $3,000

2. eNewsletter Ad

  • Banner Ad
    • Frequency: Quarterly (4x)
    • Value: $3,140 (with 15% discount)

Total Value: $6,140

  • Discount Applied: 19%
  • Total Cost: $5,000

Gold Package -

1. Website Ad (YMA Pages)

  • Front Page - Banner
    • Duration: 1 Year
    • Value: $5,000

2. eNewsletter Ad

  • Article Ad
    • Frequency: 2x
    • Value: $2,550 (with 15% discount)

Total Value: $7,550

  • Discount Applied: 1%
  • Total Cost: $7,500


 Platinum Package - $10,000

1. Website Ad (YMA Pages)

  • Front Page - Banner
    • Duration: 1 Year
    • Value: $5,000

2. eNewsletter Ad

  • Article Ad
    • Frequency: Quarterly (4x)
    • Value: $5,100 (with 15% discount)

3. Social Media Blast

  • Rectangle Ad
    • Frequency: 1x
    • Value: $3,500

Total Value: $13,600

  • Discount Applied: 26%
  • Total Cost: $10,000

YMA Bowling Night

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Rebate Content Canada - OIAF - Kidscreen

Request the Promo Code
Save $20 to $600


Call for Nomination - Board of Directors

Take part of the YMA
Deadline: Sept 15 2024

   More details  

