Content Canada - OATF/TAC - Kidscreen
Benefit from preferred registration rates for YMA members
Rebate from $20 Cdn à $600 US
The Youth Media Alliance (YMA) seeks to enrich the lives of Canadian children and teens by helping improve the quality of the content created for them on all screen-based media. In pursuing its mission, the Alliance encourageshigh-quality content by presenting annual awards of excellence to the best productions targeting young English- and French-speaking Canadians. It offers ongoing training tailored to the special needs of youth production professionals through workshops, seminars, and special events such as the Children, Youth & Media and Média-Jeunes conferences. It also offers membership benefits with rabates to entry fees to major events organized in the industry. For more information, choose an event from the dropdown menu.
Benefit from preferred registration rates for YMA members
Rebate from $20 Cdn à $600 US
Content Canada - OIAF - Kidscreen
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